It's easy for you to claim a username.
send 0.5 XLM to bind*, with a username you like (and not used by others yet) attached in the memo field, memo type is text.
username and the address you payout will bind together.
send 1 XLM to bind*
your address will not tie to your username anymore.
send 2 XLM to bind* with a username you like (and not used by others yet) attached in the memo field, memo type is text.
the new username and the address you payout will bind together. the old one will discard.
for (wallet) developers, our service follows the stellar federation protocol, you can look up an account id when you have a stellar address and vice versa.
Also, we implement part of @pacngfar's Stellar-Wilson proposal: federation_register and federation_delete, it would be convenient for you to provide your users a human-friendly name.
HTTP endpoint: . declared in stellar.toml file.
Supported type: name and id
Docs here.
method: PUT
Note: the signature of username should be transported in hex string and 128 bytes.
Docs here.
method: DELETE
Note: the signature of username should be transported in hex string and 128 bytes.
All of these fed data are stored on blockchain. you can check it out at here
Service should be stable. Data should be safe.
It's reasonable for a open service to keep its data public. Even encounter an accident ,other service providers can easily mirror the data and provide similar services.